How to import/export contacts
Written by Preston Hagen
Updated over a week ago

To begin a contact upload you must first click on "contacts" on the left menu bar (if you run multiple campaigns make sure you have chosen the correct campaign)

Once you are in the contact menu choose "import" from the options at the top

Click the box labeled "drop CSV file here or click to upload"

This will open a window that will allow you to choose the data file that you would like imported. Once this window appears choose the file you would like (this file must be in CSV format).

Once your file has been chosen it will bring up this screen. You must go through and match the "source header rows" to the "contact fields." The source headers are the headings of the columns in your CSV file and the contact fields are what they will appear as in the Buzz360 system. Most of these should auto map to each other, but go through and review to make sure the system did not make any mistakes.

In between the Contact Field and Source Header columns is a checkbox field called Force. If you check this column it overwrites data for that column on every single contact.

At the bottom of this page you have two different import options, the first option is to replace empty or forced fields with the imported data. Any fields that have the force check box selected will always overwrite any existing data. So, if you already have data in there for a person, and in this new import you have additional data for that person, it will append that specific record with the additional data. The "tag" field always appends new tags.

The second option is the "overwrite all fields" If you choose the second option it will only fill in blanks in the already existing data. So if there is different data for a person in the new import it will override information already in the system. So, if you have more faith in the new import choose this option.

The last things on this page is the button that says "import source header row also." This will import the top row of your CSV file as a contact. So only click this button if you file does not have headings. Once you have reviewed all of these click "start import."

The next screen will show you that it is being actively imported. The green arrows on the left of the screen show that it is in progress. You also have the ability to pause the import with the button on the right.

Now to complete an export go over to the export tab on the top menu button.

Once you're in the export menu you will need to use this drop down menu to select the audience that you would like to export. In this case I chose the audience "all

Once you have selected your audience click "export."

Once the export is completed click the download button on the right side of the menu bar.

Once you click this button you should see your export downloading on the bottom left of your screen.

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