RNC Voter File Flat File Specification and FieldDescriptions
Note: Not all fields are matched to your Buzz360 System
Column Name | Data Type | Nullable | Description |
bigint | NOT NULL |
Assigned Identification Number |
RNC_RegID | uniqueidentifier | NULL | Uniqueidentifier |
Not provided |
State |
varchar(2) | NOT NULL |
Registration State |
StateKey |
Int | NOT NULL |
State specific number |
IsPartyReg |
Int |
NULL | True/False Flag for a state having partisan registration |
SourceID | varchar(7) | NULL | Record Origin Identifier |
Juriscode |
char(10) |
NULL | Registration Juriscode Code- A nationally unique numeric representation of each election jurisdiction responsible for voterregistration data. The value is formatted: SSCCCMMMMM, whereS=State, C=County, andM=Municipality (where applicable,otherwise value=00000). |
Jurisname | varchar(30) | NULL | County or Municipality Name |
CountyFIPS |
char(3) |
NULL | Indicates county in which voter is registered. Coding scheme is basedon Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) county assignments. |
CountyName | varchar(200) | NULL | Name of County |
MediaMarket | varchar(100) | NULL | Media Market Name |
CensusBlock2020 | varchar(15) | NULL | Census Block |
MetroType | varchar(25) | NULL | Urban/Rural Type by MetroDesignation |
RNCTurf | int | NULL | RNC Turf |
varchar(5) |
NULL | Indicates municipality in which voter is registered. Coding scheme is basedon Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) municipality assignments. |
StateCountyCode | varchar(3) | NULL | State Assigned County Code |
StateTownCode | varchar(3) | NULL | Jurisdiction Assigned Town Code |
Ward | varchar(3) | NULL | Jurisdiction Assigned Ward Code |
PrecinctCode | varchar(10) | NULL | Jurisdiction Assigned Precinct Code |
PrecinctName | varchar(40) | NULL | Jurisdiction Assigned Precinct Name |
BallotBox |
varchar(3) |
NULL | Jurisdiction Assigned Precinct Sub- Division Code / Ballot Box |
SchoolBoard | varchar(200) | NULL | School Board |
SchoolDistrict | varchar(200) | NULL | School Board District |
CityCouncil | varchar(200) | NULL | City Council District |
CountyCommissioner | varchar(200) | NULL | County Commissioner District |
CongressionalDistrict | int | NULL | Assigned US Congressional District |
CongressionalDistrict_PreviousElection |
int |
NULL | Congressional District 2022 General Election |
StateLegUpperDistrict | int | NULL | Assigned State Upper House District |
StateLegUpperDistrict_PreviousElection |
int |
NULL | State Upper House District 2022 General Election |
StateLegUpperDistrict_Proper |
varchar(200) |
NULL | Assigned State Upper House District Name |
StateLegUpperDistrict_Proper_PreviousElection |
varchar(200) |
NULL | State Upper House District Proper2022 General Election |
StateLegLowerDistrict | int | NULL | Assigned State Lower House District |
StateLegLowerDistrict_PreviousElection |
int |
NULL | State Lower House District 2022 General Election |
StateLegLowerSubDistrict |
varchar(1) |
NULL | Assigned State Lower House District Subdivision |
StateLegLowerSubDistrict_PreviousElection |
varchar(1) |
NULL | State Lower House DistrictSubdivision 2022 General Election |
StateLegLowerDistrict_Proper |
varchar(200) |
NULL | Assigned State Lower House District Name |
StateLegLowerDistrict_Proper_PreviousElection |
varchar(200) |
NULL | State Lower House District Proper 2022 General Election |
NamePrefix | varchar(4) | NULL | Voter - Name Prefix |
FirstName | varchar(150) | NULL | Voter - First Name |
MiddleName | varchar(150) | NULL | Voter - Middle Name |
LastName | varchar(150) | NULL | Voter - Last Name |
Sex |
varchar(1) |
NULL | M=Male, F=Female, U=Unknown, <blank>=Unknown |
BirthYear | varchar(4) | NULL | Voter - Year of Birth |
BirthMonth | varchar(2) | NULL | Voter - Month of Birth |
BirthDay | varchar(2) | NULL | Voter - Day of Birth |
DateOfBirth_Source |
varchar(1) |
NULL | Date of Birth Source: V = Voter File, A= Acxiom, D = Data Axle, M = Multiple, and U = Unknown |
Age | int | NULL | Age |
AgeRange |
varchar(10) |
NULL | 18-34, 35-54, 55-64, 65-110, and Unknown |
RegisteredParty |
varchar(1) |
NULL | Partisan Registration: R=Republican, D=Democrat, I=Independent, U=Unaffiliated, T=Libertarian, M=Reform, G=Green, C=Conservative, L=Liberal, X=US Taxpayers, F=Right to Life, P=Peace and Freedom, E=American Independence, S=Socialist, W=Natural Law, A=state specific - ACP (CT), Alaskan Independence (AK), etc., O=Other, N=None (if provided on source data) |
RegisteredPartyRollUp |
varchar(50) |
NULL | RegisteredParty if available, otherwise modeled party derived from CalcParty (1, 2: ModeledRepublican; 4, 5: Modeled Democrat; otherwiseModeled Independent/Unaffiliated) |
CalcParty |
tinyint |
NULL | Calculated Partisanship (1 - HardGOP; 2 - Weak GOP; 3 - Swing; 4 - WeakDem; 5 - Strong Dem) |
ModeledParty | tinyint | NULL | Modeled Party ( 2 – REP; 1 – DEM; 0 –O) |
StateVoterID |
varchar(40) |
NULL | State Assigned Voter Identification Number (if provided on source data) |
JurisdictionVoterID |
varchar(40) |
NULL | Locality Assigned Voter Identification Number (if provided on source data) |
VoterStatus |
varchar(1) |
NULL | A=Active, I=Inactive, C=Cancelled, D=Deceased (if provided on source data), P=Pending |
PermanentAbsentee |
varchar(1) |
NULL | Y=Permanent Absentee, T=Temporary Absentee (if provided on source data) |
EthnicityReported | varchar(1) | NULL | Voter Supplied Demographic Data |
EthnicityModeled | varchar(2) | NULL | Ethnicity Code |
EthnicGroupModeled | varchar(1) | NULL | Ethnicity Group/Roll-up Code |
EthnicGroupNameModeled | varchar(50) | NULL | Modeled Ethnicity Group Roll-upname |
ReligionModeled | varchar(1) | NULL | Ethnicity Religious Affiliation Code |
LanguageModeled | varchar(50) | NULL | Modeled Language |
HouseholdID | bigint | NULL | Household Sequence Number |
HouseholdMemberID | int | NULL | Individual Number within Household |
HouseholdParty |
varchar(50) |
NULL | Flags the partisan makeup of the household 1 = Rep Only, 2 = Rep/Oth, 3 = Rep/Dem, 4 = Rep/Dem/Oth, 5 =OthOnly, 6 = Dem/Oth, 7 = Dem Only |
NeighborhoodID |
varchar(100) |
NULL | ID corresponding to RNCNeighborhood membership |
NeighborhoodSegmentID |
varchar(100) |
NULL | ID corresponding to RNCNeighborhood segment membership |
MailingAddr1 | varchar(64) | NULL | Mailing Address - Line 1 |
MailingAddr2 | varchar(64) | NULL | Mailing Address - Line 2 |
MailHouseNum | varchar(10) | NULL | Mailing Address House Number |
MailHouseSfx | varchar(10) | NULL | Mailing Address House Number Suffix |
MailStPrefix | varchar(2) | NULL | Mailing Address Street Pre-Direction |
MailStName |
varchar(28) |
Mailing Address Street Name |
MailStType | varchar(4) | NULL | Mailing Address Street Type |
MailStPost |
varchar(2) |
NULL | Mailing Address Street Post- Direction/Quadrant |
MailUnitType | varchar(15) | NULL | Mailing Address Unit Type |
MailUnitNumber | varchar(8) | NULL | Mailing Address Apartment Number |
MailCity | varchar(28) | NULL | Mailing Address City |
MailSta | varchar(2) | NULL | Mailing Address State |
MailZip5 | varchar(5) | NULL | Mailing Address 5 Digit Zip Code |
MailZip4 |
varchar(4) |
NULL | Mailing Address 4 Digit Zip Code Extension |
Cell | varchar(10) | NULL | Cell Phone Number |
CellSourceCode |
varchar(1) |
NULL | D=Date Axle, V=Voter File, A=ABEV, N=Neustar |
CellMatchLevel |
varchar(1) |
NULL | Telephone Match Level - Cell Phone: 1=Zip/Street/House#/Surname/Given name, 2=Zip/Street/House#/Surname, 3=Zip/Street/Surname/Given name, 4=Zip/Surname/Given name, |
| 5=Zip/Street/Surname, 6=Zip/Surname/Given name (including nickname matches),7=Zip/Surname |
CellReliabilityCode |
varchar(1) |
NULL | Telephone Reliability Code - Cell Phone: 9=TML of "1" or sum of lowerTML recode and number of same number matches in household [Highestreliability for append or verification], 8=TML of "2" or sum of lower TML recode and number of same numbermatches in household or reverse verifyusing name and address, 7=TML of "3" or sum of lower TML recode and number of same number matches in household, 6=Sum of lower TML recode and number of same numbermatches in household, 5=TML of "5"or sum of lower TML recode andnumber of same number matches inhousehold or or reverse verify usingeither name or address, 4=TML of "4"or "6" or sum of lower TML recode andnumber of same number matches inhousehold, 3=TML of "7" [Lowestreliability for append or verification],0=number unable to be verified [Lowest reliability overall] |
CellFTCDoNotCall |
varchar(1) |
NULL | Y = present on FTC Do Not Call list at time of enhancement (Cell Phone) |
CellAppendDate | date | NULL | Date of Last Phone Append - CellPhone |
CellDataAxle | varchar(10) | NULL | Data Axle Cell Phone Number |
CellDataAxleMatchLevel |
varchar(1) |
NULL | Telephone Match Level - Cell Phone: 1=Zip/Street/House#/Surname/Given name, 2=Zip/Street/House#/Surname, 3=Zip/Street/Surname/Given name, 4=Zip/Surname/Given name, 5=Zip/Street/Surname, 6=Zip/Surname/Given name (including nickname matches),7=Zip/Surname |
CellDataAxleReliabilityCode |
varchar(1) |
NULL | Telephone Reliability Code - CellPhone: 9=TML of "1" or sum of lowerTML recode and number of same number matches in household [Highest reliability for append orverification], 8=TML of "2" or sum oflower TML recode and number of same number |
CellDataAxleFTCDoNotCall |
varchar(1) |
NULL | Y = present on FTC Do Not Call list at time of enhancement |
CellDataAxleAppendDate |
date |
NULL | Data Axle Date of Last Phone Append- Cell Phone |
CellRawVF | varchar(10) | NULL | Raw Voter File Cell Phone Number |
CellABEV | varchar(10) | NULL | Raw AB/EV File Cell Phone Number |
CellNeustar | varchar(10) | NULL | Neustar Cell Phone Number |
CellNeustarMatchLevel |
varchar(1) |
NULL | H (High): phone linkage score of85000 or greater; M (Medium): phone linkage score of 75000 to 84999; L (Low), which indicates a phonelinkage score between 0 and 74999. |
CellNeustarReliabilityCode |
varchar(1) |
NULL | A, B, C, E: HighContactability; F, G, I: Medium Contactability; J, K: Low Contactability. |
CellNeustarTimeOfDay |
varchar(1) |
NULL | A: 12am – 2am; B: 2am – 4am; C:4am – 6am; D: 6am – 8am; E: 8am – 10am; F:10am – 12pm G: 12pm – 2pm; H: 2pm – 4pm I: 4pm– 6pm; K: 6pm – 8pm; L: 8pm – 10pm; M:10pm - 12am; N: No Data Available |
CellNeustarAppendDate |
date |
Neustar Cell Phone Number |
Landline | varchar(10) | NULL | Telephone Number - Landline Phone |
LandlineSourceCode |
varchar(1) |
NULL | D=Date Axle, V=Voter File, A=ABEV, N=Neustar |
LandlineMatchLevel |
varchar(1) |
NULL | Telephone Match Level - Landline Phone: 1=Zip/Street/House#/Surname/Givenname, 2=Zip/Street/House#/Surname, 3=Zip/Street/Surname/Given name, 4=Zip/Surname/Given name, 5=Zip/Street/Surname, 6=Zip/Surname/Given name (including nickname matches),7=Zip/Surname |
LandlineReliabilityCode |
varchar(1) |
NULL | Landline Telephone Reliability Code - Landline Phone: 9=TML of "1" or sum of lower TML recode and numberof same number matches in household [Highest reliability for append orverification], 8=TML of "2" or sum oflower TML recode and number ofsame number matches in householdor reverse verify using name andaddress, 7=TML of "3" or sum of lower TML recode and |
| number of same number matches in household, 6=Sum of lower TML recode and number of same numbermatches in household, 5=TML of "5"or sum of lower TML recode andnumber of same number matches inhousehold or or reverse verify usingeither name or address, 4=TML of "4"or "6" or sum of lower TML recode andnumber of same number matches inhousehold, 3=TML of "7" [Lowestreliability for append or verification],0=number unable to be verified [Lowest reliability overall] |
LandlineFTCDoNotCall |
varchar(1) |
NULL | Y = present on FTC Do Not Call list at time of enhancement (LandlinePhone) |
LandlineAppendDate |
date |
NULL | Date of Last Phone Append -Landline Phone |
LandlineDataAxle |
varchar(10) |
NULL | Data Axle Telephone Number - Landline Phone |
LandlineDataAxleMatchLevel |
varchar(1) |
NULL | Telephone Match Level - Landline Phone: 1=Zip/Street/House#/Surname/Given name, 2=Zip/Street/House#/Surname, 3=Zip/Street/Surname/Given name, 4=Zip/Surname/Given name, 5=Zip/Street/Surname, 6=Zip/Surname/Given name (including nickname matches),7=Zip/Surname |
LandlineDataAxleReliabilityCode |
varchar(1) |
NULL | Landline Telephone Reliability Code - Landline Phone: 9=TML of "1" or sum of lower TML recode and numberof same number matches in household [Highest reliability for append orverification], 8=TML of "2" or sum oflower TML recode and number ofsame number matches in householdor reverse verify using name andaddress, 7=TML of "3" or sum of lowerTML recode and number of samenumber matches in household, 6=Sum of lower TML recode andnumber of same number matches inhousehold, 5=TML of "5" or sum of lower TML recode and number of same number matches in household or orreverse verify using either name or address, 4=TML of "4" or "6" or sum of lower TML recode and number ofsame |
| number matches in household, 3=TML of "7" [Lowest reliability forappend or verification], 0=numberunable to be verified [Lowest reliability overall] |
LandlineDataAxleFTCDoNotCall |
varchar(1) |
NULL | Y = present on FTC Do Not Call list at time of enhancement (LandlinePhone) |
LandlineDataAxleAppendDate |
date |
NULL | Data Axle Date of Last Phone Append- Landline Phone |
LandlineRawVF | varchar(10) | NULL | Raw Voter File Landline PhoneNumber |
LandlineABEV | varchar(10) | NULL | Raw AB/EV File Landline PhoneNumber |
LandlineNeustar |
varchar(10) |
NULL | Neustar Telephone Number -Landline Phone |
LandlineNeustarMatchLevel |
varchar(1) |
NULL | H (High): phone linkage score of85000 or greater; M (Medium): phone linkage score of 75000 to 84999; L (Low), which indicates a phonelinkage score between 0 and 74999. |
LandlineNeustarReliabilityCode |
varchar(1) |
NULL | A, B, C, E: HighContactability; F, G, I: Medium Contactability; J, K: Low Contactability. |
LandlineNeustarTimeOfDay |
varchar(1) |
NULL | A: 12am – 2am; B: 2am – 4am; C:4am – 6am; D: 6am – 8am; E: 8am – 10am; F:10am – 12pm G: 12pm – 2pm; H: 2pm – 4pm I: 4pm– 6pm; K: 6pm – 8pm; L: 8pm – 10pm; M:10pm - 12am; N: No Data Available |
LandlineNeustarAppendDate |
date |
NULL | Neustar Date of Last Phone Append - Landline Phone |
VoterFrequencyGeneral |
int |
NULL | Count of how many of the last 4 on- year General Elections a voter votedin |
VoterFrequencyPrimary |
int |
NULL | Count of how many of the last 4 on- year Primary Elections a voter votedin |
VoterRegularityGeneral |
decimal(3,2) |
NULL | Total Frequency of Participation in Eligible General Elections |
VoterRegularityPrimary |
decimal(3,2) |
NULL | Total Frequency of Participation in Eligible Primary Elections |
VH24G |
varchar(1) |
NULL | 2024 General Election (See appendix for VH Keys) |
VH24P | varchar(1) | NULL | 2024 Primary Election |
VH24PP | varchar(1) | NULL | 2024 Presidential Primary Election |
VH23G | varchar(1) | NULL | 2023 General Election |
VH23P | varchar(1) | NULL | 2023 Primary Election |
VH22G | varchar(1) | NULL | 2022 General Election |
VH22P | varchar(1) | NULL | 2022 Primary Election |
VH21G | varchar(1) | NULL | 2021 General Election |
VH21P | varchar(1) | NULL | 2021 Primary Election |
VH20G | varchar(1) | NULL | 2020 General Election |
VH20P | varchar(1) | NULL | 2020 Primary Election |
VH20PP | varchar(1) | NULL | 2020 Presidential Primary Election |
CoalitionID_SocialConservative |
varchar(1) |
NULL | Hard Observation - SocialConservative (Evangelicals, Pro-Life,DOMA Supporters) |
CoalitionID_Veteran | varchar(1) | NULL | Hard Observation - Veterans |
CoalitionID_Sportsmen |
varchar(1) |
NULL | Hard Observation - Sportsmen (Hunting Licenses, Fishing Licenses,Snowmobile Licenses, Boating Licenses) |
CoalitionID_2ndAmendment |
varchar(1) |
NULL | Hard Observation - 2nd Amendment Supporters/Gun Only Sportsmen (Hunting Licenses, Concealed Carry Permits, Pro 2nd Amendment Observations) |
CoalitionID_ProLife | varchar(1) | NULL | Hard Observation - Pro Life |
CoalitionID_ProChoice | varchar(1) | NULL | Hard Observation - Pro Choice |
CoalitionID_FiscalConservative |
varchar(1) |
NULL | Hard Observation - FiscalConservative (Small GovernmentSupporters, Lower Taxes Supporters) |
ModeledIdeology_SocialConservative |
varchar(1) |
NULL | Model: Personal views on socialissues are more conservative thanparty; 1: YES, 0: NO |
ModeledIdeology_SocialLiberal |
varchar(1) |
NULL | Model: Personal views on social issuesare more progressive than party; 1:YES, 0: NO |
ModeledIdeology_FiscalConservative |
varchar(1) |
NULL | Model: Personal views on fiscalissues are more conservative than party; 1: YES, 0: NO |
ModeledIdeology_FiscalLiberal |
varchar(1) |
NULL | Model: Personal views on fiscalissues are more progressive than party; 1:YES, 0: NO |
ModeledIssue_BorderSecurityCrisis |
varchar(1) |
NULL | Model: The situation at the U.S. southern border is more of a securitycrisis, where we need to stop the flow of illegal drugs and undocumented immigrants coming into the U.S.; 1:YES, 0: NO |
ModeledIssue_BorderHumanitarianCrisis |
varchar(1) |
NULL | Model: The situation at the U.S. southern border is more of a humanitarian crisis, where we need to accept refugees coming from countries in turmoil; 1: YES, 0: NO |
ModeledIssue_FixEconomyDem |
varchar(1) |
NULL | Model: Trust Democrats more to be responsible for an economic recovery; 1: YES, 0: NO |
ModeledIssue_FixEconomyGOP |
varchar(1) |
NULL | Model: Trust Republicans more to be responsible for an economic recovery; 1: YES, 0: NO |
ModeledIssue_BidenDisapprove |
varchar(1) |
NULL | Model: Biden Disapprove asPresident; 1: YES, 0: NO |
ModeledIssue_BidenApprove |
varchar(1) |
NULL | Model: Biden Approve as President; 1: YES, 0: NO |
ModeledIssue_InflationEconomicFactors |
varchar(1) |
NULL | Model: The rising cost of living we are currently experiencing is more likely due to a combination of economicfactors, including pent-up consumerdemand and corporate greed; 1: YES, 0: NO |
ModeledIssue_InflationBidenFault |
varchar(1) |
NULL | Model: The rising cost of living we are currently experiencing is more likely due to Biden administration policies; 1: YES, 0: NO |
RepublicanPartyScore | decimal(8,6) | NULL | RParty from National Voter Scores |
DemocraticPartyScore | decimal(8,6) | NULL | DParty from National Voter Scores |
RepublicanBallotScore | decimal(8,6) | NULL | RBallot from National Voter Scores |
DemocraticBallotScore | decimal(8,6) | NULL | DBallot from National Voter Scores |
TurnoutGeneralScore |
decimal(8,6) |
NULL | TurnoutGeneral from National Voter Scores |
HouseholdIncomeModeled | varchar(50) | NULL |
EducationModeled | varchar(50) | NULL |
Ethnicity Key Reference Table
Ethnicity Key | Ethnicity |
A | Asian / Native Hawaiian / PacificIslander |
I | Native America / Alaskan Native / American Indian |
B | Black |
W | White |
H | Hispanic |
O | Other |
U | Unknown |