To create or edit a form on your website or landing page go to the left menu bar and choose the “forms” section.
When you get to the forms section, you have one of two options, either editing an existing form, or creating a new one. To edit one just click one of the existing forms. To create a new one click the yellow “new form” button in the top left.
Once you have chosen new form you will be prompted to choose between “from scratch” “from template” and “from import.” From scratch simply brings you to the empty form editor allowing you to add all of the various elements you would like. From template allows you to add or subtract whatever elements you want, but it gives you a starting place for your form. And perhaps one of our pre-built templates is all you need! The last option is to import a form, this allows you to import a form template from somewhere else.
Once you have chosen one of these, you are ready to edit your form.
Click on the gear icon to see the universal settings to that form.
If you click the larger settings button at the top of the page that will open settings for the overall form itself. The first option you have is “label position” this determines whether the label for each field is above, below, or to the right or left of each box. The next you can decide how wide you would allow the form to be. The next two options allow you to make decisions for colors of both the text and background.
The next section allows you to decide what happens when someone submits a form. If you don’t choose to send them to a specific page it will automatically just display a generic “thank you.” Otherwise you can set up a specific thank you page, or route them somewhere like your donation page. The other box says “email a copy to” this is where you input an email if you would like to be alerted to someone filling out your form. Once again in this section, make sure to click update in the top right after you
make changes.
Configuring your form
Each component is separate and can be edited. To edit a component, click on the settings button in the upper right hand corner of the component box (not the larger settings button in the upper right of the whole page).
This will open a menu on the right that allows you to edit sections of the component.
The first of these options is the type, you can change this to whatever you’d like.
There are several options for editing multiple components, but some you will likely want to leave what it is. One of the first options is the various labels, in the case of the “name” entry it labels the top as “name” and the various boxes as “first name” and “last name”
If you choose any of the component options that have multiple choices (Dropdown, multiple choice, etc) then you will have to program which options that have. You will have to input “display” and “value.” Display is what will appear on the form, and value is the way it will be input in the system. So you will want a full typed out version for the display, such as: “I Would Like to Knock Doors” and then for the value you might want to input simply: “doors.” When adding additional lines you must make sure to click the plus button on the right side of the line otherwise they will not be recognized. To delete one, click the “x” corresponding to the line you would like to delete.
If you would like to force people to answer a specific field make sure to toggle the “required” option.
To delete a section, go into the settings for that section and then click the yellow trash can in the bottom left corner.
Once you make changes to a component you must make sure you click the update button in the top right. If you just click out of the editing menu your changes will not be changed.
If you would like to rearrange the order of these various components, you can do that with the arrows on the left side of the screen. Click on the arrows of the piece you want to move and it will move up or down one section.
Publishing your form
In the small menu across the top you should have three options, “form layout” “publishing” or “submissions.” Form layout is where you edit. Publish is where you publish the form and decide its format. You must remember, for changes to your form to go to the live version, they must be published each time. This is also where you can grab a link for the form or an embed code. NOTE: If you change the email for the person that receives the notification of the form being completed, you need to republish.
If you have a big event coming up, you can click the watch list and you will see the number of people that signed up on the badge.
Check out the help for the article on adding them to the contacts.
Follow Up Action from your Form
Once your form is ready, you can no define what you want to happen once a person completed the form.
If you would like to redirect the user to an external webpage like a Donation page, click the check box and choose one of your webpages or click External Link and enter your page URL.
Define where the person is directed to once the completed the form. Just add a URL for the page you want them to end up at.
Define who in your organization needs to be notified when a form has been submitted.
Create an Email that will go out to the person who completed the form.