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Creating a Website Part 2

Website consist of pages, header and footers. This article is about headers and footers.

Updated over a month ago

Creating the Header


• Click “Website” on the far-left toolbar

• On the top, you will see a top toolbar that includes “Website”, “Navigation”, “Header”, “Footer”, and “Advanced”.

• First, click on “Navigation”

  1. You will see 3 categories, “Home Page”, “Top Level Header Pages”, and “Additional Pages to Publish”.

  2. Home page: Choose a page to assign for your designated home page by clicking “Add Page” and selecting your preferred home page from the dropdown menu.

  3. Top Level Header Pages: Choose all of the pages that you would like listed as normal toolbar options on the top header of your website by clicking “Add Page” and individually selecting all of the pages you prefer to have on your website.

• You can rearrange the order of how the pages appear by dragging each box by the green paper symbol on the left side.

4. Additional Web Pages to Publish: Choose pages that you want to be published but either not appear on the top tool bar or appear in a button format rather than the traditional toolbar format by selecting “Add Page” and individually selecting all additional pages you would like to publish.

• Again, you can rearrange the order of these pages by clicking and dragging them by the paper symbol on the left side.

Next, click on “Header” on the top toolbar.

  1. You will first see an option that says, “Header Logo Position”. This dropdown helps you select where on the toolbar you would like your logo located.

  2. Next, there will be a dropdown with the title “Header Options”. On this dropdown, you can choose your header color, header scheme, icon color, and header position.

  3. Beneath that, there is a dropdown titled “Additional Buttons”. Here you can add header buttons for additional pages that you published, or you can create a button linking to an outer url.

• To add a button, click the small plus sign in the far right corner.

• Add your button text, and then select your button target page that it will be linked to. If you are choosing an outer url, select the box that says “Open New Tab” and the target page text box will change to a url text box. Here is where you can enter the url that you would like the button linked to. If you would like to add a "Donate" button to the header of your website, follow this process and add your WinRed or Anedot link (slug).

• Last, select the drop down next to the url option text box to choose the style of your button.

• Click the yellow “Add Button” box to add the button.

4. Last you will see a dropdown for “Social Network Icons”. Here you can link social media accounts through icons on your header.

• To add a button, click the small plus sign on the far right corner. You will then be able to choose an icon through the dropdown that shows up underneath, and add a url to link the account in the text box, and then click the yellow “Add” Button to add it.

To save your changes, click the save button on the bottom. You can view all your changes as they are made if you scroll down on your screen to see the preview.

Create a Navigation

Click on Website on the side left menu bar. Go to header on the top menu. You will see "Home Page", "Top-level web pages to publish", and "Additional web pages to publish" as well as the ad page buttons. Green means they have been published previously and orange means that page has not previously been published.


  1. Home page - Click on the "ad page" button and select the home page you have created. This is automatically make your logo clickable on the home page.

  2. Top Level Header Pages - Click on the "ad page" button and select the additional page you have created and want to show in your website navigation menu. You can click on the green (published) and orange (unpublished) pages icon to drag them to the order you want to show on your website.

  3. Additional Web Pages to Publish Click on the "ad page" button and select the page you have created and want them to show via a link or button on your website. If you want to see or share a page prior to publishing the page to you final URL, copy the link below the page of the page and add that to your web address. (

Creating the Footer


• Click “Website” on the far-left menu bar

• On the top, you will see a top toolbar that includes “Website”, “Navigation”, “Header”, “Footer”, and “Advanced”.

• Click on Footer

  1. Here you will see a toolbar that looks very similar to that of the webpage editing toolbar. One difference you will notice is the 4th option in.

  2. Click on the fourth option on the toolbar and you will see a wide variety of different templates to choose from.

  3. Choose your favorite template and the colors will adjust to your website’s theme colors.

  4. You can then edit the page just as you would with the webpage. One thing to note is that if you click on a colored box and then choose the color palette option on the toolbar, you will be able to change the background color which may come in very handy.

• After you have edited your footer to your liking, you can click the yellow “Update Footer” button on the bottom to save your work.

Publishing your website

Once you have created the pages, your footer, header and navigation, you will need to publish the site.

  1. On the left menu, click on "Website"

  2. Then on the top menu, click on "website"

  3. You will see a gear in the right hand corner. Click on the gear and click the Publish button.

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