Filtering allows you to identify a subset of contacts based on a combination of criteria. Buzz360 lets you create audiences from the filters. This allows your create very dynamic audiences. They automatically ad or remove voters that no longer fit your filter criteria. (Audiences are used to identify the people you want to reach through a Text message or broadcast email.)
To use filters, go to "Contact", "Filters", select a field you want to filter on, select an Operator and enter a value, either direct or from the dropdown. You can add as many filters as you need.
TIP: You can use "or" or "and" to link the filters together, however, you can only use one or the other inside a set of filters. ("or" adds contacts to the list, "and" reduces the selection.) Some fields need to be added to the metadata, like Voter Frequency. If the filter shows no results, reach out to Buzz360 to have that field added.
Once you filtered to the target group you are trying to reach, you can save that group as an "Audience" - Select "SAVE AS AUDIENCE". Name your audience - you can see in this window how many people are in the Audience at that moment.
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