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Signs for campaigns
Updated over a month ago

An effective sign campaign is crucial in increasing visibility, name recognition, and reinforcing messaging in a political campaign, whether it is for a candidate or issue advocacy. Well-designed signs strategically placed in high-traffic areas create repeated exposure, helping the public remember a candidate, cause, or brand. They provide a quick, digestible message that can resonate with people who may not engage with other forms of media.

Additionally, sign campaigns can generate momentum and support, influencing public perception and encouraging engagement or action. A strong sign campaign can significantly enhance overall success when coordinated with broader outreach efforts.

Buzz360 lets you track and organize your sign campaign with simple clicks, saving time, energy, and stress.


Ensure your campaign contact list is entered into the system under your candidate account.

1. Create a Tag to identify individuals who have requested/received a lawn sign.

a. To create a tag in our system, follow these simple steps:

i. Go to Settings and select Tags.

ii. Type the tag you want to create. Remember, it's case-sensitive

iii. Click the "Create Tag" button.

iv. Once created, the tag will be available for you to add to contacts. Remember that if you import contacts with new tags that are not yet in the system, you'll need to click the two arrow icons to add them to your tagging system.


a. From the contact details:
• Click on the contact you want to tag
• In the tag field, start typing the tag name

• Select the desired tag from the list

• Click the "UPDATE CONTACT" button

b. For multiple contacts:
• On the contacts list, select the check boxes following to desired contacts

· Click the red icon in the top right corner

• Choose the tag and click "Assign"

c. Remember to create the tag first in Settings > Tags if it doesn’t exist.

d. Verify your tag is now attached to the contact by opening the individual contact and scrolling down to tags on the right-hand side.

Retrieving Yard Signs – Coordination is the Key

As your campaign winds down, collecting campaign signs is an essential final step to ensure your team leaves a positive impression on the community. Proper sign retrieval not only demonstrates respect for property owners but also maintains the professionalism of your campaign. Begin by organizing your sign collection efforts using the Buzz360 App, which allows you to sort sign placement data by street and precinct. To streamline the process, export an Excel file containing property owner names, addresses, and relevant notes.

Before heading out, ensure each sign placement team member has a copy of the sorted Excel file. Assign specific streets or precincts to each team member to avoid overlapping and increase efficiency. As signs are collected, team members should cross-check each address in the file to confirm retrieval. Keeping track of which signs have been picked up helps prevent missed locations.

After the signs have been collected, sending a thank-you text or email to each property owner is a thoughtful touch. Express gratitude for their support and cooperation throughout the campaign. A simple, sincere message goes a long way in building goodwill and ensuring positive relationships for future campaigns.

For example:

"Dear [Property Owner's Name], thank you for allowing us to place a campaign sign on your property. Your support was greatly appreciated and made a significant impact on our campaign. We’ve collected the sign, and we truly value your kindness. Best regards, [Candidate's Name] Team."

Taking the time to collect signs efficiently and personally thank supporters leaves a lasting impression and sets the stage for strong community relationships in future endeavors.

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