6-8 months before election day
SwipeRed: Have core team sign up as Advocates, upload voter file, establish a plan for recruiting and onboarding Advocates, set initial messages and posts
Email/Text Advocate Invite
Social Media Share – Advocate Invite & Message Amplification
Supporter Update - SwipeRed launch/welcome message
Create unique recruitment links for events in Activate.Red
4-6 months
Field: onboard staff and start volunteer voter contact efforts
Comms: recruit rapid response team
Create recruitment link for events in Activate.Red
SwipeRed Communications:
Create additional recruitment links for event and supporter groups
Message friends invites to events/fundraisers
Message recruitment to download SwipeRed
Campaign update(s)
Posts invites
3 months
Field: recruiting volunteers, door knocking, calls/texts, early/absentee strategy
Comm: debate prep, rapid response in place, digital team regularly posting, earned media
Create recruitment link for events in Activate.Red
SwipeRed Actions:
Flyers for onboarding Advocates at events
Advocates message friends for events, donations, supporter recruitment
Advocates message friends to survey them on support/voting plans
Social media posts to recruit SwipeRed Advocates
Advocates Boost social media posts
Regular campaign updates
Survey Advocates confirming how they would like to help
2 months
Field: early/absentee voting plans, volunteer recruitment, knocking on doors, phone/text, GOTV prep
Create recruitment link for events in Activate.Red
Comms: mail program, update digital/creative, earned media
SwipeRed Actions:
Advocates message friends for events, donations, supporter recruitment
Advocates message friends to survey them on support/voting plans
Social media posts to recruit SwipeRed Advocate
Advocates rapid response to friends and on social media
Regular campaign updates
Recruit yard sign locations
4 weeks
Field: early/absentee voting underway, finalizing GOTV, doors/phones/text
Comms: mail program, update digital/creative, earned media
SwipeRed Actions:
Messages to recruitment for GOTV volunteers
Messages to voting plans including early/absentee voting
Weekly/bi-weekly updates
Social media message amplification
3 weeks
Field: GOTV or persuasion doors/phones/text and volunteer recruitment
Comm: Mail program, earned media, digital ads
SwipeRed Actions:
Messages for volunteer recruitment
Messages for Plan to Vote
Campaign update
Social media message amplification
2 weeks
Field: GOTV or persuasion doors/phones/text and volunteer recruitment
Comm: last mailings, digital ads
SwipeRed Actions:
Messages for Volunteer recruitment
Messages for Plan to Vote
1 week
Field: GOTV and volunteer recruitment
Comm: digital ads, earned media
SwipeRed Actions:
Message friend to friend GOTV
Message reminder to Advocates to message friends
RSVP for volunteer shifts Activate.Red
3 days
SwipeRed Action:
Message friend to friend GOTV
Text Advocates reminding them to text friends
Amplify social media post recruiting Advocates
Day before E-Day
SwipeRed Actions:
Second round of text GOTV
Post Election
SwipeRed Actions:
Thank you message to Advocates
Ongoing engagement with Advocates
Social media amplification