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Why is SwipeRed Important

SwipeRed is a relational outreach app to reach voters.

Updated over 4 years ago

Why is SwipeRed important?

  • People trust their friends more than a stranger. Study after study show that friends contacting friends about a campaign or cause about voting is 2-8x more effective in getting them to vote than a stranger contacting them.

  • Advocates contact their friends using SwipeRed likely lead to a higher contact rate than phone banking or cold calling.

  • The messenger matters as much as or more as the message. 

  • It leads to higher turnout for down ballot Candidate. (Studies show 5% increase in turnout in down ballot races.)

  • It helps you increase voter registration

  • SwipeRed allows voters who are not on the voter file to be contacted by friends. 

Why should I use SwipeRed instead of just reaching out to my friends on my own?

  • When you use SwipeRed you are part of the team and what you are doing becomes part of the campaigns strategy.  It also ensures are you are contributing in the most effect way for the campaign to reach its goals.

  • SwipeRed also makes it easy to recruit more friends to help.

  • It is also a great way for you be connected to the campaign and share their message on social media or privately using text, email, phone or social media private messages..

  • SwipeRed also helps you identify your friends who should be receiving messages that are of interest to them.

  • When you are contacting voters, it's much faster than composing everything yourself. 

  • Your efforts help your candidates win.

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