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Posts vs. Messages
Updated over 3 years ago

In general, any message, announcement, invitation, or voter contact script being used by the campaign in any other online or traditional channel can be offered for sharing by your advocates as both a Post and a Message.

In most cases a Post and Message both can and should be created for each communication you are putting into SwipeRed.

Start with the assumption that all content should be turned into both a post and a message, with appropriate formatting differences.

Messages are delivered one by one to the advocates’ selected contacts, which they choose, using the native communication channel on their device – text, email, Facebook direct message, and phone call. As such they should be very personal and colloquial in tone and phrasing. Links to content, event signups, and donation pages are common and effective in messages. Images do not go through as part of a message, so image-centric content may be better suited to Posts. Neither are hashtags typical in person to person messages.

Posts are “broadcast” through the advocates’ own social media accounts – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. As such, they are slightly less person to person in verbiage, but should still be in the voice of the advocate.For content that is image-based, posts are a better option than messages which are shorter and more textual.Links to content, event signups, and donation pages are common and effective in posts. #Hashtags and @facebook references are important to include in posts.

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